Friendship, Loss, Quote of the Day

Military Quote of the Day: Embrace the Suck

Yeah.  No.  (As he, himself, might say.) From Wiktionary: Verb: embrace the suck: 1)--military, slang--To consciously accept or appreciate something that is extremely unpleasant but unavoidable. For your sake, dear man, I'm trying.  And I'm halfway there. I won't, won't, won't, embrace it.  But it does bloody suck. Pretty sure that's the best I can… Continue reading Military Quote of the Day: Embrace the Suck

Friendship, Patriot, War

For A Dear Friend: Soldier, Rest!

Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er, Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking; Dream of battled fields no more, Days of danger, nights of waking. In our isle's enchanted hall, Hands unseen thy couch are strewing, Fairy strains of music fall, Every sense in slumber dewing. In our isle's enchanted hall, Hands unseen thy couch are… Continue reading For A Dear Friend: Soldier, Rest!