Entertainment, Movies and TV

Occasional Quote of the Day: “What is a weekend?”

She’s known best, not for her own words, but for those put in her mouth by others. For six years, much to our delight, Maggie Smith has seamlessly inhabited the person of Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham. The character is a remarkable old lady with a (well-protected) soft heart, a sharp tongue, and a bon… Continue reading Occasional Quote of the Day: “What is a weekend?”

Ave Atque Vale, Friendship

…To Absent Friends and Loved Ones…

Every year, for almost more years than I can count, our family has raised a glass each Christmas to those we love but won’t see again in this world, and to those we love who are still with us, but who are not able to share our celebration, because they’re scattered all over the globe… Continue reading …To Absent Friends and Loved Ones…